Surplus Electronics Sales is located in Arcanum, Ohio. We have been in business for 11 years serving academic institutions, hobbyists, service personnel etc. We are strictly an on-line business and have no walk-in store front. We are unable to take orders directly by phone. For questions about our products, you can contact us at 1-937-621-3711 or by using the "Contact Us" link. Our Business Hours Are: 8:00am-5:00pm EST Monday-Friday. Any questions asked after 5:00 pm or during the weekend will be answered the next business day. Our holiday closings mirror USPS holidays. Our time zone is Eastern Standard Time. We appreciate your interest in our products and would like thank all of our customers for our continued success.
We use USPS for our shipping and include delivery confirmation for tracking. After your order is placed we usually ship that day (if recieved before 1:00pm) or by the next business day. Shipping usually takes between 2-5 days, it depends on your location. See our "Shipping and Returns Page" for more information.
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We use PayPal because it is a secure payment provider. You do not need to create an account with them to use their service. Your purchase is protected by our SSL (Comodo Secure) and PayPals secure website.
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• Reliable Service
• Fast Inexpensive Shipping
• Tracking Provided
• Most Orders Shipped Within 24 Hours
• Over 1000 Surplus Components
• Low Prices
•No Minimum Purchase Required
•Secure Payment with PayPal or Square.
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